Das mildeste Einwanderungsgesetz der deutschen Geschichte steht kurz vor der Einführung!
Das mildeste Einwanderungsgesetz der deutschen Geschichte steht kurz vor der Einführung!
Bundesarbeitsminister Heier sagte, Deutschland plane die Einführung eines Einwanderungspunktesystems. „Bachelor oder höher“, „mindestens 3 Jahre Berufserfahrung“, „Grundkenntnisse der deutschen Sprache und gute Englischkenntnisse“ und „unter 35 Jahren“, wenn Sie drei der Voraussetzungen erfüllen, können Sie eine Chancenkarte erhalten.
Auf operativer Ebene ist die Passage der Einwanderung nach Deutschland jedoch immer noch sehr kompliziert. Die Verfahren zur Erteilung von Visa und Aufenthaltstiteln sind langwierig und für Antragsteller nur schwer nachvollziehbar. Die Vereinfachung der Einwanderungsverfahren ist ein drängendes Anliegen der Bundesregierung.

11.12.2021 - Das 4. Themenforum der Chinesisch-Deutschen Hochschulkooperation wurde erfolgreich abgehalten
Am 11. Dezember 2021 wurde SinoJobs als einziges Unternehmen von der Allianz eingeladen, an der Sitzung des Deutsch-Chinesischen Hochschulkooperationsforums 2021 teilzunehmen.
Frau Yan An, Geschäftsführerin von SinoJobs China, hielt eine Rede über den "14. Fünfjahresplan", der die zukünftige Entwicklung von Talenten und Branchentrends vorgibt.
24.08.2020 - Chinesisches Venture Capital für Startup-Szene in Europa: Fosun-Europa-CEO Patt im Interview
Der Fosun Europe Innovation Hub möchte Tech-Startups mit dem Global Happiness Ecosystem von Fosun sowie mit Business Angels und anderen professionellen Investoren partnerschaftlich und nachhaltig verbinden. Der Hub gehört zu Fosun International Limited, einem familienorientierten und multinationalem Unternehmen mit Hauptverwaltung in Shanghai (China). Fosun vereint in seinen selbstdefinierten Ökosystemen Gesundheit, Glück und Wohlstand unter anderem namhafte Unternehmen wie etwa Gland Pharma und Club Med, Tom Tailor und AHAVA oder Portugals größte Versicherungsgesellschaft Fidelidade sowie die renommierte deutsche Privatbank Hauck & Aufhäuser. Als Teil der Konzernfamilie treibt der Hub zusammen mit der Hauck & Aufhäuser Privatbankiers AG die digitale Transformation der Finanzwelt voran.
17.08.2020 - China´s ride-hailing giant pledges 200m yuan in creating jobs
BEIJING -- Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing (DiDi) has announced that it will invest 200 million yuan (about $28.8 million) to promote employment for those affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, unemployed and poor family members based on its platform.
10.08.2020 - 5m urban jobds created in first half of the year
Recruitment demand growing after pandemic contained, minister says. A total of 5.64 million new jobs were created in China's urban areas in the first half of the year-63 percent of the annual target-as the country experiences a steady recovery in its job market amid containment of the COVID-19 pandemic.
04.08.2020 - Diversity emphasized in human resources services
China's human resources service sector will be guided to provide more diverse and targeted services as part of efforts to ease "unprecedented pressure" on employment this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said on Friday.
27.07.2020 - Daimler unter Druck: Nun 30.000 Stellen auf dem Prüfstand
Trotz erster Anzeichen einer Besserung will der Autobauer Daimler weltweit offenbar noch mehr Stellen abbauen als ursprünglich geplant. Laut Medienberichten ist inzwischen von 30.000 Stellen die Rede. Rote Zahlen im zweiten Quartal setzen den Autobauer Daimler unter Druck und zwingen Vorstandschef Ola Källenius in der Corona-Krise offenbar zu einem nochmals verschärften Sparkurs. Im operativen Geschäft verbuchte der Konzern von April bis Juni ein Minus von rund 1,68 Milliarden Euro. Das war nochmal etwas mehr als vor einem Jahr, als Daimler wegen milliardenschwerer Rückstellungen für die Dieselaffäre und Airbag-Rückrufe vorübergehend in die Miesen rutschte – aber zugleich auch weniger als zuvor befürchtet.
20.07.2020 - Graduates ponder job options amid pandemic
Some university leavers in Hong Kong are looking for opportunities on the mainland. Gu Mengyan reports from Hong Kong. The figures are daunting: Hong Kong's GDP growth forecast for this year has been revised down to as low as minus 7 percent, the jobless rate has hit a 15-year high of 5.9 percent, while starting pay for graduates is falling.
13.07.2020 - Livestreaming providing jobs to graduates in time of pandemic
Livestreaming has emerged as a new source of jobs for the record number of students graduating from Chinese higher education institutions this year amid the economic slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Education says 8.74 million people could graduate this year, 400,000 more than last year, and their employment is a pressing issue for both government and the students themselves.
06.07.2020 - Deutschlands acht Millionen Topverdiener
Die oberen zehn Prozent der Einkommen, das sind gut acht Millionen Menschen in Deutschland. In der Krise sollen sie mehr zahlen. Doch wer gehört dazu - und sind sie wirklich alle reich?
29.06.2020 - Wie Corona die Arbeitswelt umkrempelt
Die Bürobedarf- und Büromöbelbranche stellt sich längst darauf ein - aber: "Das Umdenken muss aber zuallererst in den Köpfen der Führungskräfte stattfinden", sagt Ard-Jen Spijkervet, Chef des Bürobedarfsspezialisten Leitz. Viele der Beschäftigten selbst sind derweil längst von der Heimarbeit überzeugt - am liebsten hätten die meisten wohl einfach die Möglichkeit, abzuwechseln.
22.06.2020 - "Eine historische Chance für Frauen"
Eine neue Studie zeigt: In der Coronakrise konnten vor allem Frauen ihre digitalen Fähigkeiten ausbauen. Allerdings bergen New-Work-Konzepte auch Risiken für die Gleichstellung.
18.06.2020 - So will die EU chinesische Übernahmen abwehren
EU-Wettbewerbschefin Vestager will von der Krise geschwächte Unternehmen vor Übernahmen aus dem Ausland schützen. Denn manche Käufer haben unfaire Wettbewerbsvorteile. Wie die aus China.
08.06.2020 - Chinas Außenhandel sackt wegen Corona-Krise weiter ab
Der Konjunkturabschwung infolge der Corona-Pandemie trifft die größte Handelsnation hart. Chinas Exporte fallen zwar langsamer als erwartet, aber die Importe sacken stark ab. Auch die deutschen Exporte nach China sinken.
02.06.2020 - Arbeitsorganisation warnt vor "Generation Lockdown"
Die wirtschaftlichen Einschränkungen im Kampf gegen Corona haben weltweit bisher 300 Millionen Jobs gekostet, schätzt die Weltarbeitsorganisation ILO. Besonders betroffen sind junge Menschen, vor allem Frauen. Die Internationale Arbeitsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen (ILO) schätzt, dass wegen der Corona-Pandemie im zweiten Quartal weltweit knapp elf Prozent aller Arbeitsstunden weggefallen sein wird. Das entspricht 305 Millionen Vollzeit-Jobs, heißt es im aktuellen Bericht "COVID-19 und die Arbeitswelt", den die ILO in Genf vorgestellt hat.
25.02.2020 - Employment-first policy earns praise
China's decision to place employment at the top of its agenda and abandon a GDP growth target indicates that policymakers will put more efforts into counteracting shocks from the novel coronavirus pandemic, balancing short-term stimulus with long-term sustainable development, according to policy advisers.
18.05.2020 - "COVID-19 könnte unser Arbeitsleben dauerhaft verändern"
Twitter will seinen Mitarbeitern erlauben, auch nach Corona im Homeoffice zu arbeiten. Ein Interview mit dem renommierten Arbeitsmarktforscher Hilmar Schneider über die Arbeitswelt der nahen Zukunft.
11.05.2020 - Challenges, opportunities in China's changing job market
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed significant challenges in the job market due to its impact on business activities amid the downward pressure exerted by the micro-economy. A rising unemployment rate in countries and regions suffering from the epidemic has worried people, raising questions for policymakers about how to improve employment quality, optimize domestic demand structure and governance.
04.05.2020 - Employment market could seesaw during pandemic
The job market could experience fluctuations this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, making it even harder for vulnerable groups such as migrant workers to find work. These workers have already been hit hard by the revolution in information technology. According to a report by the World Economic Forum in 2018, machines were used for 29 percent of the manual work that year, with the proportion predicted to rise to 42 percent by 2022.
27.10.2019 - Experts shed light on China's improving of business environment
Economists, entrepreneurs and government officials shed light on the importance of improving the country's business environment and what still needs to be done to further improve the ranking during a panel discussion on the theme of building a business environment of fair competition at the "Understanding China" Conference on Oct. 26, in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province.
18.10.2019 - China employment steady despite Donald Trump's claim US trade war cost country '3 million jobs'
Statistics agency say China created 10.97 million jobs in the first nine months of this year, or 99.7 per cent of the government’s full year target.
But independant analysts question of official monthly data underestimates the true unemployment situation.
11.10.2019 - 5 Exciting MBA Jobs In China: From Fintech To Green Energy
China remains a power-house when it comes to economic development. As the fastest growing economy in the world, the country is brimming with job opportunities for new leaders and innovators to make their mark.
Although manufacturing is still China’s largest industry, representing 47% of its total GDP, the country’s economic landscape has undergone some profound changes in recent years with government funding in pharmaceuticals, AI, tech and smart manufacturing.
04.10.2019 - China set to overtake the US in STEM talent by 2030
The tide is turning when it comes to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics talent, with China now boasting more current students.
China will likely be the world’s leading spender on research and development by 2030 according to a report by the US Council on Foreign Relations.
28.09.2019 - Chinas IT-Talente wehren sich gegen Ausbeutung – doch der Zeitpunkt ist ungünstig
Die Namen Alibaba, Tencent oder Huawei kennt jeder. Ihren Aufstieg in den IT-Olymp mit Milliardenbewertungen verdanken sie vielen Dingen – aber nicht zu unterschätzen sind die vielen Arbeitsnächte ihrer Abertausenden Mitarbeiter. Lange konnten Chinas Tech-Bosse davon ausgehen, dass sich junge Entwickler wie Bo auf härteste Arbeitsbedingungen einlassen – oder wenn nicht, dass sie andere Talente finden.
Daher fordern Tech-Arbeiter in China endlich bessere Arbeitsbedingungen. Da der IT-Jobboom ins Stocken kommt, rücken ihre Wünsche aber in weite Ferne.
22.09.2019 - Occupations evolving amid China's stable employment
In 2018, around 46 percent of the employed people worked in the tertiary industry in China. "This is an indicator of China's transformation to a service-based economy," said Lai Youwei, head of Meituan Research Institute.
As the Chinese economy is shifting from high-speed growth to high-quality development, new jobs requiring new skills and knowledge have appeared in various industries, attracting a relatively stable number of workers, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.
12.09.2019 - The rise of women in China’s tech sector
Rapid advances in digital technologies and artificial intelligence are shaping China’s economy as well as its landscape for innovation. Several speakers at the event have already identified the transformation and development of technology as a major force in driving gender equality and empowering female entrepreneurs in China.
With their distinctive characteristics, including empathy, altruism, inclusion, thoughtfulness, and attention to detail, female entrepreneurs are reshaping how the world functions in the digital era, he added.
07.09.2019 - Ausländische Unternehmen optimistisch für chinesischen Markt
Trotz der internationalen wirtschaftlichen Unsicherheiten hat China ein stabiles Wirtschaftswachstum aufrechterhalten und der chinesische Markt bleibt der Favorit vieler ausländischer Unternehmen.
Am Wochenende versammelte sich eine Gruppe von Unternehmensriesen in Beijing, um die Geschäftsaussichten zu erörtern und ihr Vertrauen in China als unersetzlichen Markt und darüber hinaus zu bekunden.
„Für uns ist China nicht nur ein großer Verbrauchermarkt, sondern auch eine wichtige Innovationsquelle und ein wichtiges Element der industriellen Wertschöpfungskette", sagte Jochen Goller, Präsident und CEO der BMW Group Region China, bei einer Sondersitzung des China Development Forum, die am Samstag in Beijing abgeschlossen wurde.
31.08.2019 - Asian countries rise up the global innovation rankings
The relentless Chinese advance continues. It is at 14th place this year, up from 17th last year. Of particular interest is that China is now fifth in the world with regard to innovation output and 26th with regard to inputs. Thus, the productivity and efficiency of translating inputs to outputs are key.
China’s growing eminence owes much to a concerted, long-term, focussed investment in innovation building blocks and the diffusion of capability.
It is first in the world for knowledge impact (including productivity, new business development and high and medium technology manufacturing), first for intangible assets (for instance, trademarks and industrial design, although there continues to be some disquiet about its intellectual property laws) and fourth in the world for knowledge creation (including patents, publications and citable documents).
25.08.2019 - China legt Fokus auf neue Arten von Jobs und Startups
Ein Gesetz zur Förderung der Beschäftigung sollte geändert werden, um neuen Arten von Arbeitsplätzen besser gerecht zu werden und neue berufsbezogene Probleme zu lösen, zum Beispiel den ungeordneten Start-Up-Markt, der durch die Rückkehr von Menschen aus großen Städten in ihre ländlichen Heimatstädte verursacht wird, teilte der Gesetzgeber am Freitag mit.
„Das derzeitige chinesische Beschäftigungsförderungsgesetz hat nicht mit der rasanten Entwicklung unseres Arbeitsmarktes Schritt gehalten. Einige Inhalte müssen weiter aktualisiert und einige Anforderungen dringend geregelt werden, insbesondere, wie Menschen Unternehmen gründen, nachdem sie in ihre ländlichen Gebiete zurückgekehrt sind", erklärte Zhang Chunxian, stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Ständigen Ausschusses des Nationalen Volkskongresses (NVK).
14.08.2019 - China sees steady employment in January-July
China's job market remained generally stable in the first seven months of the year, with the number of newly created jobs achieving 79 percent of this year's target. [...]
A total of 8.67 million new urban jobs were created during the January-July period, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Wednesday.
The surveyed urban unemployment rate rose 0.2 percentage points to 5.3 percent last month, NBS data showed.
10.08.2019 - Why China’s next crop of ‘techpreneurs’ are skipping home and eyeing a fresh gold rush in new markets
During the past decade of breakneck economic growth, China has been a gold mine for tech start-ups, with the biggest internet user base in the world of 829 million. But a new wave of Chinese entrepreneurs are now deciding to skip the country in favour of fast-growing markets in Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East and Africa, taking their innovative ideas and cutting edge business models with them.
Whether its e-commerce, short video, live broadcasting or gaming – China’s tech experts are looking to apply the lessons learned from China’s rapid tech development to a range of emerging markets, according to interviews by the Post with analysts, investors and start-up founders.
05.08.2019 - Beijing führt drei neue Maßnahmen zur internationalen Talentgewinnung ein
Ab dem 1. August werden in Chinas Hauptstadt nun die verbleibenden drei Maßnahmen umgesetzt. Hochkarätige ausländische Talente, die bei wichtigen Universitäten, Forschungsinstituten und namhaften Unternehmen arbeiten, können nach Zustimmung ihrer Arbeitgeber und Registrierung bei den Behörden auch in ihrer Freizeit ein Unternehmen gründen.
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20.05.2019 - Trade Tensions Seen Tightening Job Market for Chinese Graduates
“Graduate employment has always been problematic in China. Given the current situation with the trade war, I think we should expect it to be even more so this year,” said Geoffrey Crothall, spokesperson at China Labor Bulletin.
29.04.2019 - Hong Kong’s banks back on the hiring spree after a decade of lay-offs as they prepare for virtual banking, Greater Bay expansion
Hong Kong's banks are preparing for a boom in virtual banking and are starting to hire more staff again after decades of declining employee numbers.
15.04.2019 - Southern China lures capital, talent with innovative economy
According to an industry report, six of the top 10 cities where college graduates want to pursue a job in 2019 are in southern China, while four are in northern cities including Beijing, Zhengzhou, capital of Central China's Henan Province, Xi'an, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi Province and North China's Tianjin Municipality.
09.04.2019 - Chinese Tech Employees Protest Grueling Overtime Work Culture
Tech employees have launched an online campaign throughout China to list companies that demand high hours of work from their employees. This black list already includes 45 companies that demand working hours of "996" or higher.
01.04.2019 - Chinese tech faces an innovation reality check as the economy cools and start-ups stumble
More and more tech start-ups are suffering from the slowing Chinese economy. It is predicted that 90% of tech start-ups are doomed to fail. Only the tech start-ups with true technology and an understanding of risk control have a chance to survive.
11.03.2019 - China’s funding for science and research to reach 2.5 per cent of GDP in 2019
China has been closing the gap on spending in recent decades as it pursues ambition of becoming a global tech superpower. It will hit its target a year ahead of schedule, but scientists say they still don’t get enough funds for basic research.
04.03.2019 - 25-Year-Old Son-In-Law Rises At China Property Billionaire's Aoyuan Life Spinoff
The rise of next-generational leaders is getting a lot of attention in China these days, and the newly unveiled IPO prospectus of a subsidiary of one of the country’s biggest real estate developers underscores the soaring status of a young star there.
25.02.2019 - China’s factories struggling to find staff as young migrant workers seek ‘freedom’ in services sector
Factories in China’s manufacturing centres are struggling to find staff as more young migrant workers turn their backs on the production line to find easier jobs with “more freedom” in the growing services sector. Booming courier business is a popular choice, where food deliverers can earn US$750 to US$1,000 a month with companies including Meituan Dianping. Garment factories in Guangzhou offering over US$1,000 a month with free accommodation but unable to find enough skilled pattern cutters.
18.02.2019 - China’s job market has worsened amid trade war, sharper slowdown ahead, Nomura report suggests
According to a report released on Friday by Japanese investment bank Nomura, searches by Chinese internet users for the word lay-off have surged since October last year, reaching a record high in December. Similarly, searches for the words job seeking have risen since November and hit a record high in January.
11.02.2019 - China’s small businesses forced to cut back on staff just to survive as economic mood sours amid trade war
The employment situation of smaller companies is expected to deteriorate due to the rising economic problems.
28.01.2019 - China's job market continues stable development
China's job market continued stable development last year thanks to government efforts to stabilize employment, and steady economic growth.
14.01.2019 - Cloud computing ranks: The number one 2019 career skill
2019 is the Year of the Pig, but will it also be the Year of the Cloud?
Social media giant LinkedIn released a blog about “The Skills Companies Need Most in 2019 – And How to Learn Them”. What’s the number one hard skill that companies are eager for in 2019? You guessed it: cloud computing.
07.01.2019 - China's job market slows as IT and property sectors retrench
SHANGHAI -- The Chinese employment market is showing signs of losing steam as information technology and real estate companies cut back on hiring, with manufacturers likely to follow suit if Beijing and Washington fail to ease their trade tensions in the coming months.
17.12.2018 - More jobs available for Chinese graduates: report
More jobs are available this job-hunting season for 2018 and 2019 college and university graduates, Friday's China Daily quoted a newly published report as saying. In the first 11 months, the number of job hunters grew 21 percent year on year while that of job positions surged 81 percent, according to an employment report released Thursday by Zhaopin.com, China's job recruitment platform.
10.12.2018 - China takes steps to support jobs as trade war starts to hit employment
“Employment is facing new challenges this year, particularly since the start of the trade conflict,” Zhang Yizhen, vice-minister of human resources and social security, said at a press conference on Wednesday. “These [firms] operating mainly in import and export trade, particularly those exposed to and concentrating on US trade, are facing greater pressure [on employment].”
03.12.2018 - China's Growth Is Slowing But The War On Talent Is Not
China is experiencing its slowest growth since 2009, but that doesn’t mean it’s getting any easier for multinationals to hire and retain Chinese employees in top cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen.“I thought the slowdown and gloomier prospects, caused by the trade war, would dramatically cut down on job hopping – but it hasn’t,” says one Western executive in Shanghai.
19.11.2018 - How Colleges Are Helping International Students Land Jobs After Graduation
Many international students who want to be part of the American work force are anxious about what lies after graduation. And the Trump administration’s policies, which make it tougher for them to obtain visas, exacerbate that anxiety. Still, public colleges and universities rely on tuition from international students. So what role should colleges play in meeting their demands after graduation? Two public institutions have leaned on their career centers to support international students.
12.11.2018 - China: Ökonom prophezeit 100 Millionen neue Jobs durch KI
Derzeit liefern sich die USA, China und Europa ein Wettrennen um die Entwicklung der leistungsstärksten künstlichen Intelligenz (KI). Der Chefökonom der Unternehmensberatung Pricewaterhousecoopers (PWC) in Großbritannien, John Hawksworth, hat in einer Reihe von Untersuchungen die Auswirkungen von Automatisierung und KI-Anwendungen in China berechnet. Das Ergebnis: Dank der Automatisierung könnte Chinas Wirtschaftswachstum in den kommenden zwei Jahrzehnten um 20 Prozent zulegen, die USA dagegen nur um 15 Prozent.
05.11.2018 - Chinese university students suffer job search anxiety as economy softens
Anxiety is gripping university students set to graduate next year, as 8.6 million new degree holders are set to encounter a softer job market, particularly among the real estate sector as property developers downsize their campus recruitment plans.
29.10.2018 - Graduates set for job market
A group of graduates in Hospitality and Tourism of the Motheo TVET College in Bloemfontein is off to China to get hands-on experience to prepare them for the job market.
22.10.2018 - The Top Six Warning Signs of Impending China Employee Problems
We have done a ton of China employer audits this year and from those our China employment lawyers have compiled the following list of the top six “warning signs” of impending employment Problems.
15.10.2018 - Corporate elites are overlooking deglobalisation
All of us, no matter how wise, have our cognitive biases. Indeed, there’s research to show that elites are less likely to part with their biases than the ordinary person. This is probably because they believe themselves to be better educated and informed than the masses, which may well be true.
08.10.2018 - China Makes A Big Play In Silicon Valley
A year ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping stood before the 19th Communist Party Congress and laid out his ambitious plan for China to become a world leader by 2025 in advanced technologies such as robotics, biotechnology and artificial intelligence.
01.10.2018 - 1st China-Europe Talent Forum opens to boost exchange, cooperation
The first China-Europe Talent Forum is held in Zurich, Switzerland, on Sept. 25, 2018. The first China-Europe Talent Forum was jointly hosted in Zurich, Switzerland, on Tuesday by the Chinese embassy in Switzerland and the Swiss Adecco Group. TO GO WITH 1st China-Europe Talent Forum opens to boost exchange, cooperation. (Xinhua/Xu Jinquan)
24.09.2018 - China Initiative ‘Brings Job Opportunities
For countries like Fiji, which often find it hard to finance big ticket infrastructure projects, there’s an opportunity to sign up to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to secure financial assistance – cheap loans or economic aid from Beijing. A China-based political analyst says these projects usually create jobs and bring long-term economic and social benefits for Fiji and other countries.
03.09.2018 - In China, a shifting labour market opens new doors for a mobile work force
In late March, Zack Zhang did something that would be simple in most countries, but inconceivable just a few years ago in China, where local governments have maintained tight controls on the population even as the country has leaped toward modernity in other ways.
27.08.2018 - AI automation to shake up labor market by 2030
China's labor market must be well-prepared to adapt to challenges brought by the rapid development of artificial intelligence, which is expected to replace 40 million to 50 million full-time jobs in the country within the next 15 years, according to a report released on Wednesday.
20.08.2018 - Better job prospects in China bring more overseas students home
BEIJING (CHINA DAILY/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - The number of Chinese students returning from abroad has grown by leaps and bounds due to better job prospects at home and tightening work and migration policies overseas, according to a new report.
13.08.2018 - LinkedIn survey finds young Chinese workers stay in first job for just seven months
Chinese workers aged under 23 stay in their first job for just seven months, according to a new study.
06.08.2018 - Booming jobs market leaves fewer applicants than ever for vacant roles
New data from job search engine Adzuna found that for each empty position advertised in July, there were an average of 0.38 people applying for it.
16.07.2018 - Brexit to create 3,500 finance jobs in Paris: industry group
Britain's moves towards exiting the European Union are already expected to create some 3,500 finance and banking jobs in Paris as leading players in the sector move their operations out of London, an industry group said Wednesday.
09.07.2018 - The most sought-after roles for Hong Kong bankers
A new report by HSBC called; human advantage: the power of people, analysed the challenges and opportunities facing the banking industry to predict six roles of the future. The report revealed six new jobs that could exist in the not too distant future as the digital revolution evolves the role of people in the workforce.
03.07.2018 - Barclays to move UK jobs to Frankfurt ahead of Brexit
Previously, the bank, which employs 48,700 people in the UK, said it would be expanding its operations in Dublin by 150-200 jobs, making Ireland its base for continuing to trade within the EU.
15.06.2018 - Germany Has Thrived With Engineering. But the Future Is Digital
Almost 10 percent of the country’s jobs could disappear as automation and other technologies take hold. Now it’s racing to catch up.
09.05.2018 - China – Number of jobseekers on the rise, but job vacancies fall during first quarter of 2018
After the Chinese New Year holiday in February, the number of job seekers jumped in this busiest season for job hopping in China, meanwhile, job openings declined over the previous quarter, according to...
25.04.2018 - Want to land a job in China? Send your application using an iPhone
Zhaopin, one of China’s largest online career websites, is working on using artificial intelligence and big data to increase the efficiency of talent assessment and to better match job seekers and employers.
18.04.2018 - Hong Kong HR talent search targets B.C.
Asian markets faced with aging populations and low birth rates – and thereby a shrinking labour force – are now looking at overseas communities like Vancouver as a potential resource.
China Vs. Hong Kong: Why China Is The Go-To Place For MBA Students
Hong Kong is often seen as a gateway to China, for international MBA students and companies alike. But Hong Kong and China have entirely different ways of conducting business.
China – Average white-collar salary dips 2.1% in Q1
The average monthly salary for white-collar workers in China fell by 2.1% in the first quarter of 2018 compared to the previous quarter according to Zhaopin Limited’s 2018 report on China’s labour market supply and demand for white-collar workers.
Job fair shows high demand for preschool, art and music teachers
Teachers with expertise in preschool education, arts, music and physical education are still in high demand, according to schools at a job fair in Shanghai on Sunday. About 350 schools showed up at the fair, organized by the Shanghai Educational Human Resource Exchange and Service Center.
14.03.2018 - China creates over 13 million new urban jobs for 4 consecutive years
The latest figures from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS) show that China managed to create jobs more than 13 million urban jobs for four consecutive years, despite downward pressure and industrial restructuring in the Chinese economy.
07.03.2018 - Future trends and challenges of employee mobility
It’s clear that mobility is one of the most important issues for human resources to grapple with today and beyond. Technology has made it easier than ever for businesses to go global and that includes their employees.
28.02.2018 - How China Is Winning Back More Graduates From Foreign Universities Than Ever Before
Where it was once inevitable that those who left to study at prestigious foreign universities would remain on distant shores for years, China’s graduates are now answering the call of home more than ever before -- and many are turning down lucrative careers on Wall Street or in Silicon Valley in favor of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.
21.02.2018 - New job-seeking visa available in Taiwan
A new work-seeking visa is now available after Taiwan's Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professional Talent went into effect on Feb. 8, announced the national Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA)
14.02.2018 - Why more students are choosing to study in China
China is rapidly becoming a major player in the higher education game if the 2018 Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings are anything to go by. A number of government initiatives and funding boosts have helped to secure China as an attractive destination for international students and this momentum doesn’t appear to be waning any time soon.
07.02.2018 - China enters the battle for AI talent
The country’s ambition to become the global leader in artificial intelligence will require a large, highly skilled workforce.
31.01.2018 - Chinese Workers Abandon Silicon Valley for Riches Back Home
A few years ago, Wang Yi was living the American dream. He had graduated from Princeton, landed a job at Google and bought a spacious condo in Silicon Valley.
24.01.2018 - China offers 10-year visas to 'high end talent'
China is issuing long-term visas to lure highly skilled people from abroad to work in the country. The multi-entry visas will be valid for between five and 10 years, according to state media. Technology leaders, entrepreneurs and scientists from in-demand sectors are among those eligible to apply. China has set out goals for its economic and social development, and sees recruiting experts from abroad as key to achieving that. When plans for the scheme were first considered, China said at least 50,000 foreigners would benefit.
17.01.2018 - Some Foreigners Can Now Get Work Permits Within Just a Few Days
Good news for some foreigners: China is now allowing 'top overseas talent' to stay in the country for a few months without having to apply for a work permit. And they'll be put on a fast-track visa application process once they decide to stay.
10.01.2018 - China is building a $2 billion office park in Beijing just for AI
Last year, China said it plans to be a world leader in AI by 2030. Now its capital is building a massive campus to house the AI firms that will power that rise, according to local media outlet Beijing News (link in Chinese).
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03.01.2018 - Coworking Space Regulation Coming to China Following Beijing Reform
Coworking and incubator spaces have expanded quickly throughout major cities as China’s entrepreneurial drive accelerates. The government had been slow to regulate coworking spaces; the use of such addresses for business registration, for example, has floundered in ambiguous territory.
27.12.2017 - China Visas Explained
Foreign nationals visiting China generally need to acquire a visa before entering the country, except for special circumstances allowing for visa-free entry. China issues several different types of visa for various purposes.
20.12.2017 - China to have half a million international students in 2020
China is expected to have at least 500,000 foreign students studying in the country by 2020, according to a recent report.
The Institute of International Education (IIE) said in its latest research paper, entitled 'Academic Mobility: the 21st Century Silk Road', that the number of international students in China may have already broken through the 400,000 barrier last year, with a further 100,000 more expected to arrive over the next four years based on the previous trend between 2011 and 2015, Global Times reports.
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13.12.2017 - Five 2nd-tier cities attracting digital economy talents
Five second-tier cities - Chengdu, Suzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan and Xi'an - are representative on the Chinese mainland in terms of their rapidly growing number of talents in the digital economy, according to a report released on Wednesday.
06.12.2017 - China’s computer science education wins more recognition worldwide
Thiago De Sousa Silveira, a Tsinghua University student from Brazil, has been busy interviewing for IT jobs recently. He started reading for a master's in advanced computing at Tsinghua in August 2016, and after he graduates in 2018, he plans to find a job in China.
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29.11.2017 - LinkedIn's China rival Maimai just raised $75 million
Maimai, LinkedIn’s biggest China rival, just raised $75 million in its latest Series C round and has plans to go IPO in 2019. The round is led by DCM Ventures, an investor in popular social networking apps including Kuaishou, Tantan, Musical.ly, and Renren. IDG Capital and Morningside Venture Capital also participated in the round, and Chinese recruiting giant Zhilian Recruitment joined as a strategic investor.
22.11.2017 - Building an academic bridge
Peking University's HSBC Business School to open campus in UK next year to give globalization a boost
China's Peking University will open a campus next year not far from the English city of Oxford, home to the UK's first university, to provide education and to serve as a bridge between China and the world.
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08.11.2017 - IE MBA Combines Passions For Entrepreneurship And Female Empowerment In China
Dora Ke worked in consulting before becoming a project manager at a business school in China. Bogged down in roles that weren’t akin to her entrepreneurial desires, and passionate about women in business, she decided she needed a change.
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01.11.2017 - Foreign Degree Holders Earn More, Inclusive Growth to Boost Employment, Income – China Market Watch
Chinese graduates with foreign degrees coming home to earn more
Young Chinese professionals who have earned a degree abroad earn on average 17.2 percent more than compatriots who hold a degree from a domestic university, according to a survey of 100,000 graduates by Beijing-based recruitment firm BossZhipin.
11.10.2017 - Thinking about working for a Chinese company? First, find out if it’s a ‘Lenovo’ or a ‘Huawei.’
An in-depth look at the culture of China’s two most powerful brands, and the surprising differences in how they are perceived abroad vs. at home.
04.10.2017 - Top 10 international talents' favorite regions in China
Shanghai is the most favorite Chinese city for international talents, followed by Beijing, South China's Guangdong province and East China's Jiangsu province, according to a report on regional international talent competitiveness released on Monday.
29.09.2017 - China's 'Silicon Valley' to better serve foreigners
Administrators of Zhongguancun, known as China's Silicon Valley, will improve services for foreigners in a bid to woo overseas talent.
13.09.2017 - When one job is not enough
The Western trend of taking on several jobs at once has arrived in China. China Watch profiles some of the young Chinese professionals who are choosing to pursue multiple careers.
06.09.2017 - Top 10 cities for startups in China
Beijing tops the most startup friendly city in China, according to latest ranking. The capital city has more companies trading on the country's new over-the-counter market and national platforms for entrepreneurship and innovation than Shanghai, at second spot, and Shenzhen, ranked third, combined.
31.08.2017 - Smaller cities lure fresh grads with cash incentives, but long-term strategy needed
As this year's 8 million fresh college graduates enter the workforce, China's cities have launched their charm offensive in the annual "war" to lure talents to make contributions to their development. This year the "war" is fiercer than ever with the participation of many second-tier cities.
23.08.2017 - China Work Permit Calculator: Find Your Tier
China’s new work permit system for foreigners was rolled out nationwide on April 1 this year. The new system has introduced a three-tier talent grading system for expatriates. Expats are placed in either Tier A, B, or C, depending on the number of points they earned under the point scoring system, or by fulfilling a condition that automatically places them in a given tier.
16.08.2017 - Hobsons publishes International Student Survey
The International Student Survey is the world’s largest survey of pre-enrolment international students.
The 2017 survey was conducted by Hobsons in January and February 2017 with the participation of 65 universities globally.
Alongside this global report, Hobson has produced a series of regionally-focused reports examining different themes and topics within global international higher education.
09.08.2017 - UnionPay International issues a report on the spending of Chinese students abroad.
According to the Report on the Spending of Chinese Students’ Abroad (2017) issued by UnionPay International on July 20th, the Chinese students who study abroad spend over 380 billion RMB overseas each year and 80% of it are tuition fees and daily expenses (figures estimated based on the overseas spending of students with UnionPay cards). The overseas study market in China is growing stably now with students become younger and their choices of destinations more diverse.
02.08.2017 - China Work Permits: Are You an A, B, or C Tier Talent?
China’s new work permit system for foreigners was rolled out nationwide on April 1 this year. Under the new framework, the previous Alien Employment Permit and the Foreign Expert Permit have been combined into a single work permit, issued to any foreigner eligible to take up work in China.
25.07.2017 - Survey of 100 Chinese International Students: Challenges Faced During Study Abroad
China is the world’s largest source of international students. Over half a million enroll in foreign higher education institutions each year. They face some major challenges. Not only in study itself, but also with friendships, culture and life. They also face challenges in the application process. Nanjing Marketing Group surveyed 100 Chinese graduates that recently studied abroad about the challenges they faced.
19.07.2017 - New Work Permit Application System of Foreigners - What is New?
A new work permit application system of foreigners started to be implemented national wide in China as of 1 April 2017 after it has been tested in ten different locations since last October (“New Application System”). This brings substantial changes to the statutory requirements and application procedures of obtaining work permits for foreigners.
12.07.2017 - China introduces new rules for foreign students
The Chinese government has announced new rules governing the programmes and services that Chinese universities provide for foreign students. Introduced in June, and officially in effect as of 1 July 2017, the new policy is to some extent a wide-ranging formalisation of practices already in place. However, the new rules – jointly issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – also reflect an increasing effort on the part of China’s leaders to assert greater political and ideological control over the country’s higher education institutions.
03.07.2017 - Minimum Wage in China: Minimal Increases in 2017
In China, regional governments are authorized to set their own minimum wages according to local conditions. If adjustments to minimum wages are made, they usually occur in the first half of the year. However, the cities of Shanghai and Shenzhen and the provinces of Shandong, Fujian, and Shaanxi are the only jurisdictions that have done so in 2017.
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26.06.2017 - Beijing Issues the First foreign work permit under new system
The first foreign work permit has been issued to a senior executive of BMW China Services Ltd since China launched the new system in April 2017. The new system allows the application process to become faster and will take 10 days less to apply for a new permit for those holding previous permits. Starting in July, the Beijing Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs will assign its authority to district levels, including Haidian and Chaoyang districts aiming to provide convenience for foreign workers.
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20.06.2017 - China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) increases support for MBA Graduates in Shanghai
The 18 months full time MBA programme at the CEIBS provides the perfect platform for International MBA’s looking to pursue a career in China; 100% of all graduates remained in Asia after studying and over half of all CEIBS graduates secured jobs in Shanghai. The recent launching of the CEIBS Alumni International Chapter Shanghai has increased the support to International MBA graduates starting a new career in the city.
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12.06.2017 - What are the updated legal rights of Chinese nationals and their families living abroad?
The Chinese Government has updated the rights and interests of those Chinese nationals and their families living abroad and also those returning to China after living abroad. The Government will support and protect those returned citizens financially and will also support their future enterprises financially. Due allowance will also be made by the Government if these nationals apply for study abroad as self-paid students, lecturing or doing business abroad.
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07.06.2017 -New regulations for foreign students studying in China
The Chinese Government has announced that foreign students wanting to undertake higher education programmes must complete compulsory courses which will begin July 1st 2017. Universities and colleges must teach Chinese laws, culture and language and those students studying philosophy and political science are required to take compulsory lessons on Political theory. This new regulation will allow foreign students to fully adapt to Chinese society and will strengthen international communication.
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10.05.2017 - Increase in Job vacancies throughout Germany
According to a recent survey completed by the German Institute for Employment, the number of Job vacancies and also the employment rate throughout Germany has increased to a record high according to the statistics given for the first quarter of 2017.
A total of 1,064,000 Jobs are available in German Job Market as of 2017 ( an increase of 9,000 jobs from last year); 20% of these jobs do not require any vocational training and only 16% require a finished university education, whilst the rest specify a completion of on the job training.
With an unemployment rate of 5.8% lower than the statistics shown in the past 25 years, the current strong economic situation in Germany is clearly shown. However, a divide between the number of Job vacancies in West and East Germany is provided and is significant: there were 824,000 Vacancies in West Germany in comparison to 240,000 in East Germany throughout this time period in 2017.
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24.01.2017 - China eases restrictions for work visas for fresh graduates
Good news for students and graduates interested in moving to China: two years of professional experience are no longer required to be granted a work visa. A New Year's surprise for students and graduates who see themselves in China right after completing their studies: the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China (MOHRSS) decreed on January 06 2017 that it has eased the requirements for a work visa.