In Deutschland fehlen 500.000 Fachkräfte?
Laut einer Studie des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung fehlen in Deutschland mehr als 500.000 Fachkräfte. Insbesondere in den folgenden 5 Bereichen: Soziale Arbeit und Sozialpädagogik, Kinderbetreuungs- und Bildungswirtschaft, Altenpflege- und Gesundheitswirtschaft, Gebäudeelektrik, Sanitär, Heizung und Klima, IT-Branche.
Unter ihnen sind die zehn Positionen mit den größten Lücken allesamt typische Männer- oder Frauenberufe mit offensichtlicher Geschlechtertrennung.
Es wird erwartet, dass die Bundesregierung auf neue Zuwanderungsgesetze drängen wird, um ausländische Zuwanderer mit ausreichenden Qualifikationen und Sprachkenntnissen für die Besetzung inländischer Facharbeiterstellen zu gewinnen.
Ist es möglich, in Deutschland nur 4 Tage pro Woche zu arbeiten?
In letzter Zeit sind Diskussionen über die „4-Tage-Woche“ populär geworden.
Laut der Umfrage wirkt sich das Arbeiten an „4-Tage-Woche“ nicht negativ auf die Produktivität aus. Nicht nur das, es hat sogar den Effekt, die Produktionseffizienz zu verbessern.
Auch in Deutschland stößt dieses Modell aufzunehmendes Interesse. Aber diese Art von Arbeitssystem hat gemischte Vor- und Nachteile. Während die Arbeitsfreude gesteigert und die Attraktivität des Unternehmens gesteigert wird, führt die 4-Tage-Arbeit auch dazu, dass einige Arbeiten gestrichen oder ignoriert werden; Für einige hart umkämpfte Branchen oder Start-ups ist diese Art von Arbeit auch sehr schwer zu kontrollieren.
How to start a business in Germany
Whether at home or abroad, there are various opportunities after graduation: Employment, entrepreneurship, etc.
As students, we always had our families or others to bear some of the costs, but as adults, especially after graduation, we have to weigh the costs by ourselves regarding the choices we have for now and in the future.
In some of our previous SinoJobs workshops, we talked with young people about the cost of employment. We've also talked to recent college graduates about the cost of finding a job and how to optimize it. In this article, we will talk about another topic of interest to many people - the cost of starting a business in Germany.
An overview of the most concentrated cities for returning international students
Since 2020, more and more international students are choosing to return to China after graduation. One of the reasons is the continuous introduction of attractive settlement conditions and concessions for buying cars and real estate in China, and the other is the constant recurrence of the overseas pandemic. According to the Blue Book of International Talents: Report on the Development of International Students in China (2020-2021), the number of "returnees" has increased from 130,000 in 2000 to 4,231,700 in 2019, an increase of more than 31 times. We can say that the trend of returning after graduation has become a new trend.
Relying on the advantages of advanced regional economic level, complete infrastructure and high degree of internationalization, Yixian-cities (such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen) and new Yixian-cities (Chengdu, Hangzhou, Hefei, Suzhou, etc.) have become the preferred cities for many returnees. Come and find out what are the most popular cities for returnees.
Can an employer terminate a contract before the end of the probation period?
In general, probation periods are a common phenomenon worldwide, and this also works in Germany. Unlike in many other countries, in Germany both the employer and the employee can easily terminate the contract during the probation period. But is the termination of a probation period really that easy? Can't an employee be fired at random after the probation period? What rights do employees have during the probation period? And what are employers not allowed to do?
In this article, the topic of termination during the probation period will be discussed in detail.
Current Situation and the system of overtime in Germany
In today's Chinese workplace environment, the culture of overtime is widespread. In many industries, the 996-work-model has become a part of daily routine. A recent survey published by the German Federal Statistical Office shows that in 2021, a total of 4.5 million employees in Germany worked more than contractually agreed (12% of the total workforce). The number of men working overtime is 14%, while the number of women is 10%. Overtime is indeed becoming more and more common.
But do you really know whether overtime is legal in Germany and whether you can refuse it if you don't really like it?
Rückkehrende Chinesen – Was der Chinesische Arbeitsmarkt zu bieten hat
Etwa zwei Drittel der chinesischen Studenten kehren nach ihrem Auslandsstudium wieder nach China zurück. In der Gesamtheit betrachtet ist das recht wenig, doch der Trend ändert sich. Noch sind es weniger Rückkehrer, aber die Zahl steigt.
7 Reasons Why You Haven’t Gotten that Promotion
Being passed over for the promotion you have been waiting for is not pleasant. It can leave you confused, hurt and wondering what you did wrong. The follow-up talk with your employer only makes you more nervous and asking yourself what to do. Your boss is probably not feeling any better....
BAT vs. Start-Ups – Wer bekommt die Hochqualifizierten aus Übersee?
Viele wissen, dass die Wirtschaft in China boomt, und das unentwegt trotz aller Erwartungen der Baisse-Spekulanten. Es gibt täglich neue Start-Ups, neue Deals und jede Menge umkämpfte Märkte. Das bedeutet allerdings auch, dass die Start-Ups von gestern die Großkonzerne von heute sind. Damit wird es für die heutigen Start-Ups umso schwerer, ihre Geschäftsmodelle profitabel und erfolgreich umzusetzen.
China - An Attractive Job Location for Foreigners
Whether you are a job starter, an executive or a top manager: Experience in the Chinese market is always a salient advantage and can be very beneficial to your career. The job requirement profiles for foreign employees to work in China are far more varied than similar ones for jobs in a business....
Importance of Litte Red Stamps in China Business
The Little red stamp is very significant in China’s business world. The Chinese rules of business are known to be different from all other rules in the world. For Western companies that do business in China the importance of the use of Chinese....
Speaking to one another: a personal matter
A good rapport and clarity in matters form the basis for employees and interviews.It is one of the classic images we have in our heads regarding China and Europe: the Chinese are more reserved and prefer to hide their face, while Germans are....
Getting self-Promotion in China
Mr. Schmidt is an employee from Europe who has been living in China for two years now and has been doing quite well. Mr. Schmidt is working for one of the country’s oldest and most traditional consumer product manufacturers in China. He has....