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Laws & Salary

The legal systems in China and Europe vary in many aspects. For example, a work contract in Germany does not require written form - however, this is absolutely mandatory in China. Wages in China exhibit extreme regional variations and a high level of non-transparency. In order to ready oneself for employment interviews and salary negotiations, a suitable level of preparation is recommended. The up-to-date information presented here provides an overview to help you prepare.


Developing an international career requires more than talent, qualifications, and a pinch of luck. It is just as important to be able to make the right decisions regarding any questions relevant to the work contract, social security and additional regulations.

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Salary Package

Do you earn enough? Are you properly prepared for your wage negotiations? Which industries pay the best salaries? SinoJobs offers helpful information on the subject of salary, special services and holidays.

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Salary Package


A pension plan is often not the prime focus for expatriates and emigrants. Yet becoming intensively acquainted with this subject is essential. Only then can pension gaps be avoided in retirement.

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