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Benefit from the SinoJobs CV Database today!

SinoJobs offers the best opportunities for your next career move, whether you are actively looking for a new challenge or are simply open to interesting job postings aimed at you. In the European-Chinese context, SinoJobs is the leading Job Portal. Here, companies are searching for the best candidates for their organizations.

More than 2,000 Companies, Recruitment Firms, Headhunters and Agencies are represented on SinoJobs. Among them are renowned companies such as Volkswagen, Audi, Daimler, and Siemens, as well as successful small- and medium-sized businesses.

Apply passively by entering your CV into the SinoJobs CV Database, and companies will find you! These companies are searching for Chinese and European professionals and managers, graduates and interns for their subsidiaries in Greater China and the EU.

Here are the reasons for putting your CV into the SinoJobs CV Database:

  • More than 2,000 Companies, Recruitment Firms, Headhunters and Agencies have access
  • SinoJobs is the leading Job Portal with Europe-China focus
  • Stop searching and be found – test your market value
  • 100% anonymous – you decide which company can see your full CV

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All Benefits at a Glance:

1,600+ companies are searching for you!

With your CV in the database, you give over 1,600 companies the chance to find you.  Employers from Europe and all over China are searching for Chinese professionals and managers with a European background as well as Europeans with established “China expertise” in the SinoJobs CV database. Among these businesses are well-known companies such as Volkswagen, Audi, Daimler and Siemens as well as successful small- and medium-sized companies and start-ups. Many of them are hidden champions in their field.


Contact between you and any of the companies is established exclusively on SinoJobs. In the CV Database, employers can see only your educational qualifications, work experience and competencies. Your contact details, photo, credentials, as well as the name of your current and former employers are not displayed. Only you can allow these data to be shown to the company after a request for information has been made. Of course, you can also update, edit, deactivate or delete your CV at any time.

Passive application

By creating your CV, you apply for jobs passively. This makes your job search more effective. Companies can find you through certain search filters, such as qualifications, language knowledge and willingness to travel. In this way, you become the ideal candidate.