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Only a few tickets left: 09/16 SinoJobs Career Days Shanghai!
Thursday, 13.02.2025
Only one week left to register! Register now for the SinoJobs Career Days on September 16th in Shanghai & get a free ticket! 

Ni Hao and Hello  ###USER_first_name### ###USER_last_name### ,


16th September SinoJobs Career Days Shanghai!

  • You are looking for a job in Shanghai or Europe?
  • You already have a job but are thinking about trying out something different?
  • You have what it takes to convince over 40 cutting-edge companies like Audi, VW, Bosch, Miele of your qualities?
  • You want to listen to interesting company presentation and have a quick CV check from our experts?


Then come & join us on September 16th at our first SinoJobs Career Days in Shanghai!


If this is your first time to hear about our job fair, click here to find a short introduction video from last year (Youku). Since 2011, the SinoJobs Career Days has been the largest China-focused career and recruiting fair in Germany. We successfully held 16 events in Europe, where we supported over 40.000 job seekers to connect with more than 1,700 top international companies.



16th September Shanghai

07th November Düsseldorf

09th November Munich




Register on our website (Direct Link) and get your free event ticket. (After you registered, go to “My Candidate Account” and then to “Events” to register for the event. You will receive your ticket via E-Mail.)

Keep in mind that only pre-registered job-seekers can participate in our event for free! 

You are already registered for your event? Then apply now for exhibitor´s jobs & get a head start on other job fair visitors! 

Job Ads of our exhibitors:



Cost Analyst

Project Manager Electronics

Research Scientist – Mechanical Design Engineer

Software Engineer

Sales Manager



Quality Planning Engineer

Material Planner

Mechanical Engineer

Sales Planner

Software Engineer


Audi China

IT Project Manager, Big Data

Development Engineer—Wireless Charging

Car Big Data Analyst

Virtual Validation Engineer - Automated Driving

Development Design Engineer




LOW-APP Controlling

Innovative Product Design Internship

Controlling Internship

PT-BE/LOI Internship


IAV Automotive Engineering (Shanghai)

Business Development Manager (m/f) - Powertrain Development

Engineer (m/f) – Vehicle Body Design

Network & Diagnostics Testing Engineer (m/f)

Project Coordinator

Software Engineer (m/f) – Transmission & Hybrid System Development


Rose Plastic (Kunshan)

Technical Management Trainee

International Intern/Supply Chain Intern

EHS Leader

Sales Manager-Overseas

Senior Marketing Specialist


Volkswagen Group China

Assistant Manager Recruitment

Head of Administration

Praktikant im Bereich PL (m/w)

Purchasing Specialist

Sekretärin der Unternehmensleitung


Here you can find job ads of other exhibitor:

Agrana Fruit


Behr-Hella Thermocontrol GmbH

China Certification Centre for Automotive Products


DSA-China Electronic Technology 


Mankiewicz (Shanghai)

MAN Truck and Bus Trading

Maximator Fluid Engineering







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Managing Directors: Xingshu Zhao, Julian Busch
Register Court: Amtsgericht Frankfurt | Register Number: HRB 109293
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