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Conditions 2019
Friday, 14.02.2025
New Services and Conditions 2019
Dear Customer,Beginning January 1st 2019,  we are happy to introduce our new  services, which help to adress the most specific needs of our customers:- RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing)- CV database with more than 16.000 Chinese and European candidatesYou can find more about the new services, as well as the information about the price adjustment, in our current folder, which is available in English (link), German(link) or Chinese(link).We are very grateful for your trust and support  and we hope to conitnue our cooperation in the New Year.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write us (contact@sinojobs.com ) or call (+49 69 2713769 170).Your SinoJobs Team
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SinoJobs GmbH | Münchener Str. 36 | 60329 Frankfurt | Deutschland
Vertretungsberechtigte Geschäftsführer: Xingshu Zhao, Julian Busch
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Frankfurt | Registernummer: HRB 109293
USt. ID: DE 314485987