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Dienstag, 11.02.2025

Ni Hao and Hello,

as a registered Employer we send you the current issue of our Employer-Newsletter.

Login to your Employer-Account at SinoJobs.

Conditions 2021

Thank you very much for using and supporting SinoJobs! 2020 has indeed been a challenging year and has undoubtedly refined the way of Recruiting, especially overseas Recruiting.

Over the past year, we have provided our clients with a wide variety of online recruitment situations to meet the recruitment needs of different industries and types of employer companies. And in 2021 we hope to embark on a new journey together with you and support you to recruit high quality Chinese and German talents abroad, and excellent bilingual/multi-cultural talents for your company in Europe and China.

SinoJobs is going to make a price adjustment starting January 1st 2021. For our clients in China we still offer the possibility for local billing in RMB with Fapiao.

Download the new pricelist

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SinoJobs GmbH | Münchener Straße 36 | 60329 Frankfurt am Main
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Julian Busch, Xingshu Zhao
Frankfurt | Handelsregister: HRB 109293 - USt. ID: Ust-IdNr: DE314485987